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Our Donation Summit reaches € 886.722,51

  as per Apr 30st, 2024

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Why donation summit?

As mountaineers and trekkers we know that mountain trails go up and down and that after every hike up the descend follows. That rhythm of UKALO and ORALO is in particular typical for all trails in Nepal! According to that our donation summit is increasing and later diminishing, may be steep, may be flat.

We start at elevation zero on day 3 after the 27th April earthquake in 2015, then together we hike up a steep trail reaching the first summit after the charity concert. We do not take a long rest in high altitude, we descend immediately sending the first donations to Kathmandu as urgent relief. Now a constant hike up follows in the form of many donations in cash or to the newly opened bank account. We start our helping project in Nepal and reduce our donation mountain buying a piece of land and building material, we equip destroyed schools and help ill people. After returning we see an intense confirmation and massive support with our donation summit again growing constantly. The first lecture provides additional altitude to the summit, soon we descend because rebuilding starts and our dream of a high school in Jethal comes true. We can afford to hire highly qualified teachers, who guarantee reliable education for the meanwhile 300 students, we invite Jethal headmasters to Rosenheim to exchange knowledge with their German colleagues and we submit the treatment of Buna, Madhukar and Deepak by dedicated calls for donation. Numerous newspaper articles, lectures, invitations make our donation mountain grow again. We receive donations on the occasion of family celebrations such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, even related to funerals. Then we projected a specialized lab to improve the required post-transplantation check up for many transplant patients in Nepal. On behalf of that we could organize another charity concert in May 2018 to add many meters to our donation mountain. In September we cut them again starting the lab building. Meanwhile the lab has expended to NEO HEALTH CLINIC AND LAB with 26 departments offering high quality medic service even to the needy people of Kathmandu. 

In February 2019 we learned about Deepak´s life threatening  disease. As for the kidney transplantation a wonderful donation readiness followed: Until today we could wire more than 49.000 Euro  to Kathmandu to cover treatment costs. Also our lab project is growing (with the great donation of Stiftung Klinikpartnerschaften) and for our SSS school in Jethal we were able to  add many meters to the donation summit, especially by the wonderful support of Schmitz-Stiftungen that allows us to build the required computer lab and library and to finish the compound wall and drainages and by B&O group who generously sponsor a teacher´s  yearly salary from the start.  So we can continue our common way upwards -  UKALO.  Meanwhile with the help of Schmitz-Stifungen the drainage and stairs are finished, library and computer lab are built and well equipped. The latest apply to help  poor families hit by the corona pandemic  created almost 23.000 Euro, we could add a reasonable amount from our savings and thus transfer 39.200 Euro to Nepal for urgent relief (food, medical treatments, hygienic masks) and to enable the villagers to create reliable income on improved agro base.  Our next project is a community tractor for Jethal (23.000 Euro transferred on Dec 3rd 2020). Due to the latest corona outbreak caused by the India virus variation we could pay 22.000 Euro  up to fall 2021 for emergency help (food, oil, gas) and oxygen cylinders.  On Sept 20th 2021 we wired 17.000 Euro for immediate repair of the destroyed  SSSS  building. We could wire 27.000 Euro to install a drinking water system for Jethal community. Dr. Boehm´s great offer allows two gifted students form SSSS to study in Kathmandu now. Also he sponsors the tree plantation along the road Kathmandu-Jethal-Jiri.  

The next big peak was a 30.000 Euro donation by Sternstunden e.V. for the ground and compound wall of SSSS. 

To the poor people hit sereously by the November earthquakes in NW Nepal we donated 3.000 Euro for food, clothes, blankets

To all grateful friends and helping hands I convey my dhera dherai danyabaad! 

Join us to donation mountain! The perspective is worth it!

SPK Rosenheim-Bad Aibling

Konto 00 200878 54

IBAN DE26 7115 0000 0020 0878 54



Dr. Marianne Weber-Keller 1. Vorsitzende,

Edgar Müller 2. Vorsitzender,

Ronald Schulze Schatzmeister,

Hans Mittermiller Kassenprüfung,

Karl-Heinz Uhlmaier Kassenprüfung,

Anette Maier Beisitzerin



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© 2019 by Regina Trautwein + Dr. Mary Weber-Keller

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